Karting Kapers and Cowboy Hats

Posted by dani
Well finally the weather as forecast a week ago gave us a break from going up hills and flying around, never thought I would say that.

A different morning view as the clouds rumble in

So with no pressure we had a really chilled morning with coffee in the square as the forecast rain approached before getting together and heading off to Jerez for a Go karting and shopping trip.  The idea was to meet up with FlySpain group for the annual interim challenge.  Whilst we did meet up we were unable to race at the same time so it had to be done on times, probably a good idea in fact as the carnage that may have ensued may have got us banned for further visits.

So with the FlySpain boys sorted and suitably sweaty Cloud 9 took to the track. Pilot X's  tip of going near naked under the overalls turned out to be a good one as did not putting go pro's on helmets.

Changing room antics

The tension built as we did our warm up laps and initial qualifying times, tyres screeched Michel overtook on the very first follow my leader lap and we quickly warmed up under our suits.  The first race set off as you would expect and by the 2nd lap tiger Lyons was pulled over for "BUMPING"  despite his claims that i spun in front of him the video evidence proved otherwise.

Ollie in control

Peachy gets some air

Testosterone bubbled over as Julie and Kaz returned from the shops to watch and I was next to pt in the sin bin!  So to the final and all to play for, woos off we went, Peachy got airborne with all 4 wheels off the ground on the first corner and was still there when we came round on the second lap desperately trying to avoid him.  Things "settled" down a little although the struggle for 2,3 and 4 was intense with subtle bumps being the name of the game.

What goes on in the changing room stays in the changing room

Every picture tells a story

'buff said, read them and weep Fly Spain 

Good news was no one got hurt (much) and we convincingly beat the FlySpain boys times so a Victory all round.  Prize giving over and having cooled down we headed off to Decathelon for a spot of retail therapy.  A fun hour or so was spent playing around and we even managed to but a few things as well.

Hat shopping and country dancing

tongues …...

Back in Algo it was still raining so we played with the new toys and viewed the evidence regarding peachy's flight then headed out for our "last supper" in the town and a very nice one it was too.

new toy

Michel (from Birmingham) plays a mean game

the culprits are identified …….

 With the chance of flying tomorrow most packed kit in a suitable manner so we could make the most of what was to be.

the last supper and it was super

Quote of the day " I'm not used to not winning"

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