Patience is a virtue

Posted by dani
…..and so it proved at St Agnes for Jennifer W who on her second try waited it out at and was rewarded with a super tandem flight on the Hangy.

When Jenny arrived I had just launched to test the air on my T2 C 144 and found it to be a bit on the breezy side for Tandem flying although fun for solo's.  There was a good crowd out and bit by bit the wind eased back as forecast making the flying both easier and more enjoyable.

By mid afternoon things were looking better and Kaz launched on her Sport 2 135 for her third flight on it and showed conditions to be ideal.  Jenny freshly warmed by a trip to the coffee shop was up for it and was soon clipped in and "ready" to go.

A perfect launch was followed by a super flight with some nice ridge and thermal lift to play with as we soared the cliffs. jenny just loved it soaking in every minute and realising a childhood dream to fly like a bird.  Back on the ground she was very pleased with herself  and despite the challenge it was for her confirmed it was well worthwhile.

 A fun day out with 8 hangies out  and good to see senior Phipps out helping here and there and even drumming up some business for us.

"Lucky" pants. you just had to be there ........

Quote of the day "you must have been well miffed"  it's all to do with snowmen …...

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