Life goes on …...

Posted by dani


It was a tough one going to the field today after losing  superb friend yesterday, someone who was not only a legend locally in the flying community but also nationally and indeed internationally and not because of his flying skills but as a person, what more can you ask. Pete Coad (PC), whom many of you will have met and even been towed by in the field, he was the man that came up with One in Three jump and how correct he was will be hugely missed and not just by those close to him.

As the man would have said "collective negativity never gets you anywhere " so in respect both for Pete and to keep ourselves from sinking into self pity we decided to carry on and head to the field.

With a little more breeze than our last visit things were set good for Nigel A (Townsend not Germoe) to get his first flights in on the hangy and also for Dave B (praze) to move ahead on the Paraglider.

Nigel keen to get going

Nigel did a great job and was soon getting his first hops in with me in hot pursuit hanging onto the king post tether.  Fortunately he learnt quickly and I was able to remove it after a few tows making life easier.  By the end of the day he had popped in twelve flights and was releasing nicely along with good take offs, flights and landings. to say he was happy would be a massive understatement.

Nigel has a ball on his first day in the air

Dave on return from his first high flight

and a nice landing 

Not to be out done Dave B on his third day out put in some excellent flights building turns before heading to the top of the line to put in a total of nine flights including three to the top and a very big smile.

Happy Chappy

Duncan B was along to do a bit of a refresh and to pick up his new Ozone Buzz Power and after kindly letting me test fly it got to grips with it on the tow in readiness for both hill soaring and Paramotoring, what a great crossover wing.

Duncan plays with his new toy

A remarkably good day all things considered and thank you guys for behaving just when we needed you to.

PC on top of his game

Quote of the day "I've come to see the poor people work" well it was a few months ago :)


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