Scratching and Sitting

Posted by dani
Back to Chapel Porth the day looked a bit more showery than yesterday and indeed we had to wait a bit for the dampness to pass but once it did it did.

Plenty of ground handling practice went on

The Clouds were playing with the wind and it was very much pick your moment if you wanted to get some airtime in.  Adie gave it the first shot and took a visit to the lower footpath, by the time he got back up it was a bit better and we took to the air to play with some fun lift.  That lasted for 15 minutes or so then it was back down again for a wait until the next session.

Fiona goes for it ...

with Phippsy right behind

Still it was a fun day although you really had to keep your eyes on it as the lift came and went seeing Wyn over 1000' ATO one minute then back having to slope land a few minutes later.  Phil thought better of it and spent the day "coaching" and taking photos from the safety of his chair and Steve W had a minor surgical operation whilst on site thanks to Fiona, ear ear.

stitched by Phil ……...

Some visiting pilots made the beach look pretty and then it was time to go home.

Quote of the day  "that was easy"

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