Early doors or late night..not sure..

Posted by dani

The morning drive up, not many around ;)

Bike race on hill closed road from 8am..Phil, Phippsey and Mr Koller left at 7.15 to beat the spandex to the top..mystery man continued to talk on the "great white phone "...in Welsh ... while birthday boy Ollie gave a great corpse impersonation while his liver worked overtime.

Chilled at base and "book" reading

Ollie on re hydration

guess it worked

Leisurely breakfast, feet tanning and mommy porn from Julie...maximum "chillaxinrelaxin", we waited for the 3 amigos to fly. Phew ...it was hot...

Hansel and Gretal finally surfaced at noon..blamed everything on altitude, 43 metres apparently.

Sunrise on Lijar

What a spot to write a blog

hat and coat on a wall

The winner

The 3 amigos requested red riding hood to take lunch up the hill..couldn't understand why nobody offered to oblige .. Another day in fairytale land...how glad am I that I stayed in bed at witching hour . Man of mystery surfaced looking like an " etiolated bean shoot", and was rapidly dispatched to clean the upstairs loo, sink, bin, floor, cystern and walls, repaint the ceiling and do a deep clean of the shower plughole...

Ollie rehydrated on the patio while Captain Peacock launched the boys into the great blue.. Graham K headed for space and thermal Phil followed...man of mystery groaned..looking greener than earlier today

Two in the blue with the whole of the sky to themselves, nice

another field in Spain for Phil between Lijar and Ronda

Massive chaos as the skipper instructed us to "lock and load", the "kitchen squirrels" prepared potato for this evenings celebration, Julie eyeing the choritso in the salad box keen to return to her holiday reading ....

Little did we know what was to follow...

We loaded and locked (sphincters) and foolishly headed to Poinette...
Getting out of the vans we assumed the position ...like Jesus in a crowd...arms outstretched facing the wind....what is that all about ???...must re-read the manual...

Ponientte set up and nice clouds

gaggle above

Michele and the man of mystery rigged and launched into the lift....disappearing into the white stuff...rapidly followed by G Koller. The three field mouse minced and tried to stay on Terra Firma, but Phippsey intimidated us into the air...wuff, “Boating” we asked for, but basting we got, Kaz fresh from her last bashing, launched into the lift...”rock and roll”, Ollie (field mouse 2) launched and decided to go olive collecting in the trees.

I...epic launch, headed skywards, textbook thermalling gained height...with the big boys...

Pushing out over the field, a little wee came out...

Like Icarus I rose, and rose...Malaga on view I decided downwards was needed...how....bugger, what was this “ears” about...never required in 7 years I radioed in...any body...anybody...

Kaz “safely”in the notice board field, confirmed outer lines....alone and afraid, and with more than a little wee coming out, I performed a FULL STALL , swinging forwards like a happy kid on a swing, I managed to find some sink “it was working well”, never got big ears in, but in silence, I headed to the landing field, executed a textbook landing, a bag of one expletive later, glad to have 2 working arms , legs and a fully functioning spinal column I relaxed,….

Peachy enjoying the view

and not enjoying a different view …..

Kaz and I consoled each other as we watched G Koller land through the gate between the barbed fence...he said this was intended , we all believe him...! Why wouldn't we..

Mystery man and Phippsey headed for Rhonda..”over the back”..as you do....

That will do lets go …...

All down and resolved not to fly again that day, we headed for a late boat at Rhonda ridge... where we found the two amigos taking on coke and smiling a lot.

Kaz rigged and up, like “a rat up a drain pipe”...she was exorcising some demons...Ollie top of the stack...boating as ever.. we mixed it with the Fly Spain students... (after permission )...shouted at a few

Kax tempts Peachy back into the air

Phil, and the mice flew out, followed by the Welsh whirling dervish, we did XC for the road....

All in the field, me in a a very sinky thistle ditch ...(fixated)...dunno why, we headed home for birthday celebrations

What is it that attracts him to bushes ???

Heinz beans, red sauce, mash, fried onions, and sausage...followed by a big cake we celebrated Ollies 29th....what a day....

Birthday bash

Big ears to do, weight shifting and “role reversal”....no nothing to do with surgery, tape or cross dressing...bed was favourite....

Monday beckons….

Thanks again to Mr Peach for writing the blog think it must be nervous energy coming out

Quote of the day " **** **** ***** **** **** thank **** for that am I glad to be down, did you see me?"


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