Dummy's and Detours

Posted by dani

With a little bit of confidence rebuilding required we headed of with car one a little earlier than normal to sneak one in before the heat kicked in and play a bit.

Relaxing wee time

Phippsy leads the guys off

Floating in the breeze

Peachy back in the saddle

Nicely soarable on the southerly launch saw me off first followed by Ollie and Peachy into nice ridge lift with a bit of thermal mix. Having gained a bit of height Peachy headed off towards the landing filed and en route played with Big ears, damping tighter turns and a bit of Roll reversal (he instructed me whilst in womens clothing). Ollie followed us down a bit later having sucked on his birthday present (this could be the next big thing in Paragliding)and a very nice flight indeed, a trapped nut on landing gave Peachy and myself some entertainment.

Wing man as we float out

says it all

all's good here

Phil was down and ready for us so we wasted no time in packing and heading back up to join the rest. Main launch was still working on the southerly although it looked pretty hard going to get high. Michel launched and showed us just how exciteable it could get using the full lenghth of his arms to damp the wing and wishing he had a few more inches (don't we all).

Think i recognise this man

Pilot X joined in the fun and so did Graham K both get some nice climbs but not enough to get away on. Phil was off again and it was not long before the team were on their way back up as we moved to Ponientte launch.

Julie chilling

lifes not bad at all

The keen beans were soon ready again with Michel leading the way and reporting conditions as civilised, Martin enquired if that was English or French civilised …........ Pilot X went off and the pair of them were soon climbing out as the wind increasd. 3000' ATO saw Pilot X on his way and Michel “a sitting duck” over the landing field a grand above and stationary. Graham K launched climbed then though better of it and joined Michel for a vertical landing in the notice board field.

Looking back at Ponientte as Pilot X drifts away

coming in 18k away all looks well

Meanwhile we had a fun time on the hill watching the various antics before message from our XC guru some 18 k away. The retrieve car set off in the wrong direction resulting in a 50 K round trip and a joke about a generator…........

Looks like a “day off” tomorrow

Quote of the day “ to little to late really ”

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