Foot Thongs, sunburnt arms and lost hankies.

Posted by dani

One left over from last night, guess the song

A little worse for wear some of the guys struggled a bit to get going both for breakfast and on the hill. We had an interesting display by the local crop dusting plane form the balcony, what a way to start a day

Air Display

Sleepy Ollie

Oh dear get some clothes on peachy

Another drive up the hill the guys are well settled into the routine although there is a little less urgency to get gliders out and sorted. Main launch is where we head and a good number are already there with the schools getting students off as the wind comes on and the hill heats up.

Phil at work

Hobbit tree and ground workers

Ollie off again

Team filed mice take the early slot and Martin J is kindly already on his way down for an easy retrieve. A steady stream of pilots launch as the wind flicks and we have our first bush muncher “oh bl**dy hell” say no more. With a full car left on top and no gliders climbing the wind finally goes to the SW and begins to fill in as forecast all be it a couple of hours later than expected. We flick launches to Ponientte where gliders are already flying but the wind is increasing by the minute.

We watch for while then make the decision to try our lunch at El bosque where the wind should be lighter rather than get blown away if the forecast is correct. An hour later we are there and it is breezy enough and well off so it's coffe time. The wind eases and we head up the hill where we are joined on launch by a local, ideal. Michel discovers his parachute is missing and we ransack the vans but it is not there. A few texts later and it is located, hopefully we can get it back tomorrow.

Hanging out the washing whilst Kaz removes a small prick from her pants

UFO's and Phippsy

Ollie bear Hug

Despite the wind being well off the local launches and punts out before tracking the ridge to the right and has an amazingly smooth time of it in bouyant air.

Michel entertains us with some snake charming / harp playing as well as covering the odd pilot in his lines. More pilots arrive having come from Ponientte where it is now blowing a whooley and pilots are landing backwards into the trees, nice. Kaz finds a small prick in her pants and removes it quickly before getting a sympathetic Ollie bear hug.



Evening meal and table waiter

Pilot X and myself get away and have a fun flight down whilst the others decide to give it a miss picking us up in the bottom field before heading off to risk another interesting meal in the local Bar.

The name game now in its 7thday got more challenging on the drive home but at least kept most of us awake.

Quote of the day “ a little wee came out, i'm heading off”

Ouch .......


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