Sticks and Vulture sex

Posted by dani
A more lively bunch after a more chilled evening and an almost civilized breakfast.  Similar forecast to yesterday so could get breezy later but should be on the main launch first.  Julie S opted for a day off  fir enough as it has been pretty full on and we are on holiday!

Morning ablutions

Pod tickling

Car two were delayed a little due to lack of water but we all arrived fine and once again what was left of Team filed mice got set to go.  Some go off the main launch but with a bit of south in it already most opt for the Southerly.

Peachy inflates right at the back and we encourage him as he uses the full length of the runway in fine style to get a round of applause and float out over the abyss.  One by one the guys get away but the lift is marginal to say the least except for lucky Ollie who seems to find more than he wants on the his flight.  Pilot X notices a large twig in his brake line giving a nice right hand turn so made their way down.  I sneaked one in but found little to help to land with the group, well nearly with them as Michel kiting back across the field dissapred into a ditch …...

Phippsy does a small dance 

Run Peachy Run

Graham K away

The wind was picking up as forecast so after ices and cokes in the bar we headed back up to see what was on.  Saturday is always quiet being changeover day but this was really quiet, on a small group of Germans on Ponientte and they had “lost”one of their pilots who was “blown” over the back in a thermal.  

An in depth discussion on Vultures and their breeding habits ensued before with it even windier we spit the group half heading to El Bosque and the other half to the bar.

El Bosque group had a similar afternoon to yesterday with only Pilot X and Graham K giving it a go and both finding it pretty breezy once away so convincing everyone else there to give it a miss.

First away

What four Hangy Instructors one hill and one student

Back at base we found the bar pilots full of “Angry Sangria” so we headed out get some ourselves and to get Ollie a photo with the local talent.  As most of headed back to the house Ollie and Pilot X  were seen heading into Poco Poco, it does not look good for the 07.15 start tomorrow then........

Angry Sangria on the way down

Quote of the day " I've been seeded"


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